"It is in humility that we build the future of the world"
EBSCO IJBST Journal Group License Agreement
The IJBST Journal Group Serves Free since Establishment in year 2008
IJBST Journal Group -- Open Access -- NO Fees -- NO Processing Charges -- 100% Non Profit Initiatives
Free University / Institutional Subscription of the IJBST Journal Group https://subscription.approvals.ijbst.org
The IJBST Journal Group subscribes to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
The IJBST Journal Group Archive can also be accessed at https://archive.org/details/IJBSTJournalGroup

IJBST Journal Group
International Journal of BioSciences and Technology IJBST www.ijbst.org
International Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology IJMST www.ijmst.org
International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology IJLST www.ijlst.org
International Journal of Biological Sciences and Technology IJBLST www.ijblst.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Psychiatry and Technology IJBSPT www.ijbspt.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Alternative and Holistic Medicine IJBSAHM www.ijbsahm.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Healthcare Technology and Management IJBHTM www.ijbhtm.org
International Journal of BioEngineering, NeuroSciences and Technology (IJBNST) www.ijbnst.org
International Journal of Innovation (IJInn) www.IJInn.org
International Journal of BioEngineering and Technology (IJBET) www.ijbet.org
International Journal of BioEngineering, CardioPulmonary Sciences and Technology (IJBCPST) www.ijbcpst.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Agriculture and Technology (IJBSAT) www.ijbsat.org
International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition, Public Health and Technology (IJFSNPHT) www.ijfsnpht.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Forensics and Technology (IJBFT) www.ijbft.org
International Journal of BioEngineering, Endocrinology, Reproductive Sciences and Technology (IJBERST) www.ijberst.org
International Journal of BioEngineering, Orthopaedic Sciences and Technology (IJBOST) www.ijbost.org
International Journal of BioEngineering, Pediatric Sciences and Technology (IJBPST) www.ijbpst.org
International Journal of BioEngineering, Dermatological Sciences and Technology (IJBDST) www.ijbdst.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Linguistics, Communication and Media Technology (IJBLCMT) www.ijblcmt.org
International Journal of BioArchitecture and Technology (IJBAT) www.ijbat.org
International Journal of BioAssistive and Rehabilitation Technology (IJBART) www.ijbart.org
International Journal of Applied Biostatistics and Technology (IJABT) www.ijabt.org
International Journal of Law, Psychology and Human Life (IJLPHL) www.ijlphl.org
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Drugs, Sciences and Technology (IJPDST) www.ijpdst.org
International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Technology (IJVST) www.ijvst.org
International Journal of BioSciences, Catalysis and Technology (IJBSCT) www.ijbsct.org
International Journal of Education, Development, Society and Technology (IJEDST) www.ijedst.org
International Journal of BioMedical Physics and Technology (IJBMPT) www.ijbmpt.org